
Physiotherapist assisting a smiling female patient with a shoulder exercise in a clinic setting, focusing on rehabilitation and joint mobility improvement

The following exercises can be expected during rehab but patient specific exercises will be given by the physiotherapist. This is specific exercises that will help you to gain range of motion and strengthen the shoulder.

The Physiotherapist will do a full evaluation of your shoulder to access your shoulder and determine a treatment plan that is suited for you. A Physiotherapist is not allowed to hurt you when doing rehab as they can injure the shoulder.

This is one of the first movements you can do after surgery if you are not in a sling. With this exercise you gently crawl up a wall with your hand to get mobility in the shoulder. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

This is an assisted movement where you will hold onto the arm that was operated to move it up and down. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

This is an external rotation exercise to help mobilize the shoulder and to get your external range back. This can be a painful exercise at first but as the shoulder becomes stronger, this exercise will become easier. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

This is an abduction exercise. You can also stand while doing this exercise. This is to regain movement in the shoulder. This exercise can be done with your stick as well. You will just do assisted movement and push the shoulder up with your other (non-operate) arm. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

Pendulum swings is one of the most basic exercises you will do after a surgery. This is to gain movement in the shoulder. You will stand and swing the arm using the arms weight and not use your muscles to make circles and to swing it forwards and backwards. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

This rotation exercises is an assisted exercise that you will do to regain mobility in the shoulder. This is also a good exercise to do the stretch the muscles in the shoulder. Never force the shoulder and if there is pain – always stop.

This is an external exercise and this is to regain range in the shoulder. Later these exercises will be used for strengthening as well.

These exercises are for stabilizing the scapula to get good scapula control. These exercises are usually given to patients that have Winging of the Scapula.